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Appyx Interactions – Gestures

Gesture-based transitions are usually done by direct UI mutation. In Appyx, they're done by gradually mutating the abstract model instead.

Gestures in Appyx translate to Operations to be executed gradually over the model state. This allows you to greatly simplify gesture-handling client code, as well as allowing gestures to result in the same exact visual outcome as any other transition between two states.

The big picture:

  1. You receive information on the gesture's direction and the current model state
  2. Based on this, you will declare what operation the gesture corresponds to (if any)
  3. You will also specify which visual endpoint should the gesture complete this operation towards

Detecting the gesture's direction

Appyx comes with the following gesture-related helpers that report the direction of a drag:

 * The angle of the drag such that:
 * - 12 o'clock = 0 degrees
 * - 3 o'clock = 90 degrees
fun dragAngleDegrees(delta: Offset): Float

 * The horizontal aspect of the drag (LEFT or RIGHT), regardless of the dominant direction
fun dragHorizontalDirection(delta: Offset): Drag.HorizontalDirection

 * The vertical aspect of the drag (UP or DOWN), regardless of the dominant direction
fun dragVerticalDirection(delta: Offset): Drag.VerticalDirection

 * The dominant direction of the drag of 4 possible directions
fun dragDirection4(delta: Offset): Drag.Direction4

 * The dominant direction of the drag of 8 possible directions
fun dragDirection8(delta: Offset): Drag.Direction8

 * The drag direction interpreted on the clock
fun dragClockDirection(delta: Offset): Drag.ClockDirection

enum class HorizontalDirection {

enum class VerticalDirection {
    UP, DOWN

enum class Direction4 {

enum class Direction8 {

enum class ClockDirection(val digit: Int) {


A gesture is defined as:

open class Gesture<InteractionTarget, ModelState>(
    val operation: Operation<ModelState>,
    val completeAt: Offset

It completes an Operation at a visual endpoint represented by an Offset. You can read about the latter further below on this page.

Gesture factory

A GestureFactory is expected to return an instance of a Gesture given:

  • the current model state
  • the drag delta of the gesture
  • the density
class Gestures<InteractionTarget> : GestureFactory<InteractionTarget, SomeModel.State<InteractionTarget>> {

    override fun createGesture(
        state: SomeModel.State<InteractionTarget>,
        delta: Offset,
        density: Density
    ): Gesture<InteractionTarget, SomeModel.State<InteractionTarget>> {

GestureFactory implementations are usually nested in a specific UI representation. This makes sense since driving a model with gestures usually results in a natural UX if the gestures are in sync with what happens in the UI. However, it's not a requirement – you could use different gestures than the default one for the UI representation.

GestureFactory contains a Boolean field called isContinuous that indicates if during a drag gesture this operation completes but there's still offset to process a new gesture will be created that handles the remaining amount. This defaults to true however it can be overridden and changed as needed.

Choosing an operation

Let's see how the internal demo, TestDrive implements its gestures:

Based on this, what we'd want is:

  • If the element is in state A, a rightward gesture should move it to state B
  • If the element is in state B, a downward gesture should move it to state C
  • If the element is in state C, a leftward gesture should move it to state D
  • If the element is in state D, an upward gesture should move it to state A

TestDrive already comes with an operation MoveTo(private val elementState: TestDriveModel.State.ElementState) that we can make use of.

The GestureFactory implementation should look like this then:

class Gestures<InteractionTarget>(
    transitionBounds: TransitionBounds,
) : GestureFactory<InteractionTarget, TestDriveModel.State<InteractionTarget>> {
    // We calculate these based on the offset differences between the actual TargetUiState values
    private val widthDp = offsetB.x - offsetA.x
    private val heightDp = offsetD.y - offsetA.y

    override fun createGesture(
        state: TestDriveModel.State<InteractionTarget>,
        delta: Offset,
        density: Density
    ): Gesture<InteractionTarget, TestDriveModel.State<InteractionTarget>> {
        val width = with(density) { widthDp.toPx() }
        val height = with(density) { heightDp.toPx() }

        val direction = dragDirection8(delta)
        return when (state.elementState) {
            A -> when (direction) {
                RIGHT -> Gesture(MoveTo(B), Offset(width, 0f))
                else -> Gesture.Noop()
            B -> when (direction) {
                DOWN -> Gesture(MoveTo(C), Offset(0f, height))
                else -> Gesture.Noop()
            C -> when (direction) {
                LEFT -> Gesture(MoveTo(D), Offset(-width, 0f))
                else -> Gesture.Noop()
            D -> when (direction) {
                UP -> Gesture(MoveTo(A), Offset(0f, -height))
                else -> Gesture.Noop()
A more advanced version allows every state to move to each of the other 3 states. Try this sample - here you can also move the element backwards to the previous state, and also diagonally across:

To allow this, we now handle more directions:

class Gestures<InteractionTarget>(
    transitionBounds: TransitionBounds,
) : GestureFactory<InteractionTarget, TestDriveModel.State<InteractionTarget>> {
    private val widthDp = offsetB.x - offsetA.x
    private val heightDp = offsetD.y - offsetA.y

    override fun createGesture(
        state: TestDriveModel.State<InteractionTarget>,
        delta: Offset,
        density: Density
    ): Gesture<InteractionTarget, TestDriveModel.State<InteractionTarget>> {
        val width = with(density) { widthDp.toPx() }
        val height = with(density) { heightDp.toPx() }

        val direction = dragDirection8(delta)
        return when (state.elementState) {
            A -> when (direction) {
                RIGHT -> Gesture(MoveTo(B), Offset(width, 0f))
                DOWNRIGHT -> Gesture(MoveTo(C), Offset(width, height))
                DOWN -> Gesture(MoveTo(D), Offset(0f, height))
                else -> Gesture.Noop()
            B -> when (direction) {
                DOWN -> Gesture(MoveTo(C), Offset(0f, height))
                DOWNLEFT -> Gesture(MoveTo(D), Offset(-width, height))
                LEFT -> Gesture(MoveTo(A), Offset(-width, 0f))
                else -> Gesture.Noop()
            C -> when (direction) {
                LEFT -> Gesture(MoveTo(D), Offset(-width, 0f))
                UPLEFT -> Gesture(MoveTo(A), Offset(-width, -height))
                UP -> Gesture(MoveTo(B), Offset(0f, -height))
                else -> Gesture.Noop()
            D -> when (direction) {
                UP -> Gesture(MoveTo(A), Offset(0f, -height))
                UPRIGHT -> Gesture(MoveTo(B), Offset(width, -height))
                RIGHT -> Gesture(MoveTo(C), Offset(width, 0f))
                else -> Gesture.Noop()

Note how whenever a direction should not result in doing anything, you can always return Gesture.Noop()

Visual endpoint

In all of the above cases we needed to pass an Offset as a second argument to the Gesture.

Note how these offsets have different values in each case: they represent the vector from the current visual to the expected target visual state. This is the vector along which Appyx will interpret the gesture from a 0% to a 100% completion.

For example, the vector between A and C is Offset(width, height) as the gesture should be completed along the downward right diagonal from A.

Note that while you're not strictly required to match this offset with how an element moves on the screen, it's recommended to do so – otherwise the UX will be confusing in most cases.

Drag prediction

The target UI state can be rendered immediately upon starting a drag. Note how the target state here matches not only the position, but the scale and the rotation too.

Settling incomplete gestures

When releasing the drag before reaching the target, the operation is settled. Depending on how far the gesture got, it might be:

  • rounded up towards completion, or
  • rounded down towards reverting it.

The default threshold is 0.5f (50%), and can be changed between 0f (0%) and 1f (100%). For example, a value of 0.2f would mean the gesture would be considered completed even after a relatively short movement.

This can be configured in GestureSettleConfig, along with animation specs of completion and reversal:

    completionThreshold = 0.2f, // the default is 0.5f
    completeGestureSpec = spring(),
    revertGestureSpec = spring(),

Here's an example that uses a completionThreshold value of 0.15f (15%). Notice that now you can release the drag much closer to the starting point and it will still complete the animation:

Configuring gestures in the AppyxComponent

You can connect your gesture detection to your AppyxComponent in client code such as:

val appyxComponent = 
        // Required
        model = SomeTransitionModel(/*...*/),
        visualisation = { SomeVisualisation(/*...*/) } ,

        // Optional
        animationSpec = spring(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow),
        gestureFactory = { SomeVisualisation.Gestures(/*...*/) },
        gestureSettleConfig = GestureSettleConfig(
            completionThreshold = 0.5f,
            completeGestureSpec = spring(),
            revertGestureSpec = spring(),

Note that as stated above, gestures are usually come hand in hand with a specific visual representation, but you're not strictly limited to using the same ones. For example, you could use a combination of SpotlightFader + SpotlightSlider.Gestures to have cross-fading visuals controlled by swiping gestures.