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Appyx Interactions – Creating your own components


A component packaged together with Appyx is called an AppyxComponent. It consists of:

  • An abstract model representation
  • One or more UI representations
  • Gesture interpretation (usually – but not necessarily – tied to the UI representation)

This section of the documentation deals with the internals of an AppyxComponent. If you're solely interested in using already created components, you can simply refer to Using components instead.

The big picture:

flowchart TB
  subgraph AC[AppyxComponent]
    direction TB
    T[TransitionModel] --> |"#lt;ModelState#gt;"| V[Visualisation];
  O[Operation] --> AC --> |Modifier| C(["@Composable"]);
  C --> |Gesture| O
  B([Business logic]) --> O


  • TransitionModel – Defines the abstract description of <ModelState>, accepts Operations
  • Visualisation – Translates <ModelState> to UI middle representation, eventually Modifier
  • AppyxComponent – Packages the above as a high level component; its output will result in @Composable elements with animated Modifiers
  • Operation – Defines a (ModelState) -> ModelState change

You can read more about each in the next sections of the documentation.

Where to start

It's recommended to extend BaseAppyxComponent for your implementation. You could also take a look at existing samples in the repository and use them as starting points.