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Appyx Interactions – UI representation


The UI representation translates the abstract model of the TransitionModel to visual properties.

The big picture is that you will define a set of animatable properties, such as:

class TargetUiState(
    val position: Position.Target,
    val rotationZ: RotationZ.Target,
    val backgroundColor: BackgroundColor.Target,

Then you will create instances of it to represent some key states an element can be in on the UI:

private val topLeftCorner = TargetUiState(
    position = Position.Target(Alignment.TopStart),
    rotationZ = RotationZ.Target(0f), // <-- +Rotation
    backgroundColor = BackgroundColor.Target(Color(0xFFFFC629))

private val topRightCorner = TargetUiState(
    position = Position.Target(Alignment.TopEnd),
    rotationZ = RotationZ.Target(180f), // <-- +Rotation
    backgroundColor = BackgroundColor.Target(Color(0xFF353535))

private val bottomRightCorner = TargetUiState(
    position = Position.Target(Alignment.BottomEnd),
    rotationZ = RotationZ.Target(270f), // <-- +Rotation
    backgroundColor = BackgroundColor.Target(Color(0xFFFE9763))

private val bottomLeftCorner = TargetUiState(
    position = Position.Target(Alignment.BottomStart),
    rotationZ = RotationZ.Target(540f), // <-- +Rotation
    backgroundColor = BackgroundColor.Target(Color(0xFF855353))

Finally, you will map all elements in your model state to instances of TargetUiState. In our example there's only one element:

override fun TestDriveModel.State<InteractionTarget>.toUiTargets(): List<MatchedTargetUiState<InteractionTarget, TargetUiState>> =
        MatchedTargetUiState(element, elementState.toTargetUiState())

fun ElementState.toTargetUiState(): TargetUiState =
    when (this) {
        A -> uiStateA
        B -> uiStateB
        C -> uiStateC
        D -> uiStateD

Doing so, Appyx will animate elements between these TargetUiStates as the abstract model changes:

A more detailed view

Classes related to the UI representation:

  • MotionProperty – defines an animatable UI property
  • MotionProperty.Target – defines a target value for its own MotionProperty
  • TargetUiState – a collection of different MotionProperty.Target values representing an element's desired representation
  • MutableUiState – mappable from TargetUiState, this class holds the transient state of animated values as they change between different targets


Appyx comes with a set of classes derived from MotionProperty. A non-exhaustive list of them:

  • Alpha
  • BackgroundColor
  • Position
  • RotationX
  • RotationY
  • RotationZ
  • Scale
  • ZIndex
  • etc.

They represent UI properties that Appyx can animate. Their animated values will be automatically mapped to Compose Modifier instances.

If you need a property that's not provided by Appyx, it should be very easy to create one (also consider submitting a PR).

Target values

A MotionProperty is mutable towards target values. Target specifies such a value. They're defined by each MotionProperty, and are supposed to be immutable.

For example Alpha.Target expects a Float:

class Alpha /*...*/ {

    class Target(
        val value: Float,
    ) : MotionProperty.Target

While Position.Target deals with Offset:

class Position /*...*/ {

    class Target(
        val value: DpOffset,
    ) : MotionProperty.Target


Create your TargetUiState as the collection of MotionProperty.Target properties that you want Appyx to animate. For example, if you only want cross-fade animation, you would only need Alpha in your UI. Then you would define your TargetUiState such as:

class TargetUiState(
    val alpha: Alpha.Target,

Or, as in the TestDrive example, position, rotation, and color:

class TargetUiState(
    val position: Position.Target,
    val rotation: Rotation.Target,
    val backgroundColor: BackgroundColor.Target,


You might have noticed that the above classes are annotated with @MutableUiStateSpecs. Appyx comes with a KSP processor that will generate the corresponding MutableUiState class for you, so that you don't have to.

Please refer to the KSP setup guide.

Observing MotionProperty in children UI

Sometimes children UI can depend on the transition animation values. Appyx provides an API to observe MotionProperty inside children UI.

In this example, children composable retrieve and display DpOffset value from Position motion property as well as Float value from RotationY using this API:

// returns dpOffset value if transition has Position MotionProperty and null otherwise 
val dpOffset : DpOffset? = motionPropertyRenderValue<Position.Value, Position>()?.offset

// returns rotationY value if transition has RotationY MotionProperty and null otherwise 
val rotationY = motionPropertyRenderValue<Float, RotationY>()