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Implementing your own navigation models

A step-by-step guide. You can also take a look at other existing examples to see these in practice.

Step 1

Create the class; define your possible states; define your initial state.

class Foo<NavTarget : Any>(
    initialItems: List<NavTarget> = listOf(),
    savedStateMap: SavedStateMap?
) : BaseNavModel<NavTarget, Foo.State>(
    screenResolver = FooOnScreenResolver, // We'll see about this shortly
    finalState = DESTROYED, // Anything transitioning towards this state will be discarded eventually
    savedStateMap = savedStateMap // It's nullable if you don't need state restoration
) {

    // Your possible states for any single navigation target
    enum class State {

    // You can go about it any other way.
    // Back stack for example defines only a single element.
    // Here we take all the <NavTarget> elements and make them transition CREATED -> FOO immediately.
    override val initialElements = {
            key = NavKey(it),
            fromState = State.CREATED,
            targetState = State.FOO,
            operation = Operation.Noop()

(optional) Step 2

Add some convenience aliases:

typealias FooElement<NavTarget> = NavElement<NavTarget, Foo.State>

typealias FooElements<NavTarget> = NavElements<NavTarget, Foo.State>

sealed interface FooOperation<NavTarget> : Operation<NavTarget, Foo.State>

Step 3

Define one or more operations.

class SomeOperation<NavTarget : Any> : FooOperation<NavTarget> {

    override fun isApplicable(elements: FooElements<NavTarget>): Boolean =
        TODO("Define whether this operation is applicable given the current state")

    override fun invoke(
        elements: FooElements<NavTarget>,
    ): NavElements<NavTarget, Foo.State> =
        // TODO: Mutate elements however you please. Add, remove, change.
        //  In this example we're changing all elements to transition to BAR.
        //  You can also use helper methods elements.transitionTo & elements.transitionToIndexed {
                newTargetState = BAR,
                operation = this

// You can add an extension method for a leaner API
fun <NavTarget : Any> Foo<NavTarget>.someOperation() {

Step 4

Add the screen resolver to define which states should be / should not be part of the composition in the end:

object FooOnScreenResolver : OnScreenStateResolver<State> {
    override fun isOnScreen(state: State): Boolean =
        when (state) {
            Foo.State.DESTROYED -> false
            Foo.State.BAZ, -> true

Step 5

Add one or more transition handlers to interpret different states and translate them to Jetpack Compose Modifiers.

class FooTransitionHandler<NavTarget>(
    private val transitionSpec: TransitionSpec<Foo.State, Float> = { spring() }
) : ModifierTransitionHandler<NavTarget, Foo.State>() {

    // TODO define a Modifier depending on the state.
    //  Here we'll just mutate scaling: 
    override fun createModifier(
        modifier: Modifier,
        transition: Transition<Foo.State>,
        descriptor: TransitionDescriptor<NavTarget, Foo.State>
    ): Modifier = modifier.composed {
        val scale = transition.animateFloat(
            transitionSpec = transitionSpec,
            targetValueByState = {
                when (it) {
                    Foo.State.CREATED -> 0f
                    Foo.State.FOO -> 0.33f
                    Foo.State.BAR -> 0.66f
                    Foo.State.BAZ -> 1.0f
                    Foo.State.DESTROYED -> 0f


// TODO remember to add:
fun <NavTarget> rememberFooTransitionHandler(
    transitionSpec: TransitionSpec<Foo.State, Float> = { spring() }
): ModifierTransitionHandler<NavTarget, Foo.State> = remember {

Test it

Add Children to your Node. Pass your NavModel and the transition handler:

override fun View(modifier: Modifier) {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
        navModel = foo,
        transitionHandler = rememberFooTransitionHandler()

Somewhere else in your business logic trigger the operations you defined. Make sure they're called on the same foo instance that you pass to the Children composable:


As soon as this is triggered, elements should transition to the BAR state in this example, and you should see them scale up defined by the transition handler.

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