Before you begin

Appyx is a model-driven-navigation library for Jetpack Compose.

This tutorial will walk you through creating a Hello World app using Appyx.

If you're already familiar with Appyx, you can skip this codelab entirely – just clone the starter-kit and start building awesome apps!

What you'll do

  1. Setup Appyx in your project
  2. Create a root Node with a hello world view
  3. Connect this root Node into your Activity

What you'll build


Access the code

Clone the repo and open the HelloAppyx project.

git clone

How the codelab is structured

This tutorial and the TODOs will help you build your first Appyx project.

If at any point you're feeling stuck, you can always check out the solution inside the project.

Add Appyx to your project

You can refer to our Changelog for the latest release version.

If you're using build.gradle.kts:


For build.gradle you can use:

implementation "com.bumble.appyx:core:{version}"

Nodes are the fundamental building blocks in Appyx.

We'll learn more about them in subsequent codelabs, for now we'll only leverage that they have @Composable views.

Let's implement our RootNode:

  1. Open the RootNode.kt file.
  2. Change it so that it inherits from Node.
  3. Add buildContext: BuildContext on the constructor and pass it to the Node.
class RootNode(
    buildContext: BuildContext
) : Node(
    buildContext = buildContext
) {

We'll override the @Composable function View to say hello:

override fun View(modifier: Modifier) {
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
        horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
        modifier = Modifier
            .background(color = MaterialTheme.colors.background),
    ) {
            painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.logo),
            contentDescription = "Appyx Logo",
            modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp)
            text = "Hello Appyx!",
            fontSize = 36.sp,
            color = MaterialTheme.colors.onBackground

Let's now host our newly created RootNode inside the MainActivity.

To use the NodeHost inside your activity you'll need to inherit from NodeActivity.

class MainActivity : NodeActivity() {

Let's change the onCreate method to host our RootNode:

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            HelloAppyxTheme {
                NodeHost(integrationPoint = appyxIntegrationPoint) {

And we're done.

Launch your app! It should look like this:


🎉 Congrats for completing this codelab! 🎉

Check out other code labs to start using the more advanced features of Appyx!

For more information on Nodes you can check out the Structuring your app navigation section on the project page.