You can have arbitrary visualisations and transitions for any NavModel. For example, all of these are different representations of the same Back stack:
Below you can find the different options how to visualise NavModel
state changes.
No transitions¶
Using the provided Child-related composables you'll see no transitions as a default – UI changes resulting from the NavModel's state update will be rendered instantly.
Shared element transitions¶
To support shared element transition between two Child Nodes you need:
- Use the
Modifier with the same key on the composable you want to connect. - On the
composable, setwithSharedElementTransition
to true and use either fader or no transition handler at all. Using a slider will make the shared element slide away with the rest of of the content. - When operation is performed on the NavModel, the shared element will be animated between the two Child Nodes. For instance, in the example below backStack currently has NavTarget.Child1 as the active element. Performing a push operation with NavTarget.Child2 will animate the shared element between NodeOne and NodeTwo. Popping back to NavTarget.Child1 will animate the shared element back.
class NodeOne(
buildContext: BuildContext
) : Node(
buildContext = buildContext
) {
override fun View(modifier: Modifier) {
modifier = Modifier
// make sure you specify the size before using sharedElement modifier
.sharedElement(key = "sharedContainer")
) { /** ... */ }
class NodeTwo(
buildContext: BuildContext
) : Node(
buildContext = buildContext
) {
override fun View(modifier: Modifier) {
modifier = Modifier
// make sure you specify the size before using sharedElement modifier
.sharedElement(key = "sharedContainer")
) { /** ... */ }
class ParentNode(
buildContext: BuildContext,
backStack: BackStack<NavTarget> = BackStack(
initialElement = NavTarget.Child1,
savedStateMap = buildContext.savedStateMap
) : ParentNode<NavTarget>(
buildContext = buildContext,
navModel = backStack,
) {
override fun resolve(navTarget: NavTarget, buildContext: BuildContext): Node =
when (navTarget) {
NavTarget.Child1 -> NodeOne(buildContext)
NavTarget.Child2 -> NodeTwo(buildContext)
override fun View(modifier: Modifier) {
// or any other NavModel
navModel = backStack,
// or no transitionHandler at all. Using a slider will make the shared element slide away
// with the rest of of the content.
transitionHandler = rememberBackStackFader(),
withSharedElementTransition = true
Transitions with movable content¶
You can move composable content between two Child Nodes without losing its state. You can only move content from a Node that is currently visible and transitioning to invisible state to a Node that is currently invisible and transitioning to visible state as movable content is intended to be composed once design and is moved from one part of the composition to another.
To move content between two Child Nodes you need to use localMovableContentWithTargetVisibility
composable function with the correct key to retrieve existing content if it exists or put content
for this key if it doesn't exist. In addition to that, on Parent's Children
composable you need to
set withMovableContent
to true.
In the example below when a NodeOne is being replaced with NodeTwo in a BackStack or Spotlight NavModel
will be moved from NodeOne to NodeTwo without losing its
fun CustomMovableContent(key: Any) {
localMovableContentWithTargetVisibility(key = key) {
// implement movable content here
var counter by remember(pageId) { mutableIntStateOf(0) }
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
while (true) {
Text(text = "$counter")
class NodeOne(
buildContext: BuildContext
) : Node(
buildContext = buildContext
) {
override fun View(modifier: Modifier) {
class NodeTwo(
buildContext: BuildContext
) : Node(
buildContext = buildContext
) {
override fun View(modifier: Modifier) {
class ParentNode(
buildContext: BuildContext,
backStack: BackStack<NavTarget> = BackStack(
initialElement = NavTarget.Child1,
savedStateMap = buildContext.savedStateMap
) : ParentNode<NavTarget>(
buildContext = buildContext,
navModel = backStack,
) {
override fun resolve(navTarget: NavTarget, buildContext: BuildContext): Node =
when (navTarget) {
NavTarget.Child1 -> NodeOne(buildContext)
NavTarget.Child2 -> NodeTwo(buildContext)
override fun View(modifier: Modifier) {
// or any other NavModel
navModel = backStack,
// or no transitionHandler at all. Using a slider will make the shared element slide away
// with the rest of of the content.
transitionHandler = rememberBackStackFader(),
withMovableContent = true,
withSharedElementTransition = true
Jetpack Compose default animations¶
You can use standard Compose animations for embedded child Nodes
in the view, e.g. AnimatedVisibility
var visibility by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
Child(navElement) { child, _ ->
AnimatedVisibility(visible = visibility) {
Appyx transition handlers¶
All the child composables provided by Appyx accept an optional transitionHandler
argument too:
- You can use the provided ones as they're a one-liner to add – you can check the individual NavModels for the ones they come shipped with.
- You can also implement your own.
The benefit of using transition handlers is you can represent any custom state of elements defined by your NavModel with Compose Modifiers
The example below is taken from custom navigation models. It matches custom transition states to different scaling values, and returns a scale
class FooTransitionHandler<T>(
private val transitionSpec: TransitionSpec<Foo.State, Float> = { spring() }
) : ModifierTransitionHandler<T, Foo.State>() {
// TODO define a Modifier depending on the state.
// Here we'll just mutate scaling:
override fun createModifier(
modifier: Modifier,
transition: Transition<Foo.State>,
descriptor: TransitionDescriptor<T, Foo.State>
): Modifier = modifier.composed {
val scale = transition.animateFloat(
transitionSpec = transitionSpec,
targetValueByState = {
when (it) {
Foo.State.CREATED -> 0f
Foo.State.FOO -> 0.33f
Foo.State.BAR -> 0.66f
Foo.State.BAZ -> 1.0f
Foo.State.DESTROYED -> 0f
// TODO remember to add:
fun <T> rememberFooTransitionHandler(
transitionSpec: TransitionSpec<Foo.State, Float> = { spring() }
): ModifierTransitionHandler<T, Foo.State> = remember {
More info¶
- You can find more complex examples in the implementations of other NavModels, such as the Promoter carousel
- You can find Codelabs tutorials that help you master custom transitions
- You can find Coding challenges related to custom transitions