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Deep linking

Building on top of explicit navigation, implementing deep links is straightforward:

class ExplicitNavigationExampleActivity : NodeActivity(), Navigator {

    lateinit var rootNode: RootNode

    fun handleDeepLink(intent: Intent) {
        if (intent.action == Intent.ACTION_VIEW) {
            when {
                ( == "onboarding") -> navigateToOnBoarding()
                else -> Unit

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            NodeHost(integrationPoint = appyxIntegrationPoint) {
                    buildContext = it,
                    plugins = listOf(object : NodeReadyObserver<RootNode> {
                        override fun init(node: RootNode) {
                            rootNode = node
                            handleDeepLink(intent = intent)

    private fun navigateToOnBoarding() {
        // implement explicit navigation

Check ExplicitNavigationExampleActivity in the samples to inspect the full code.